How a multi-age classroom provides multiple learning benefits

July 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|

By Vivian Cain

One of the most striking differences between a Montessori school and a traditional school format is the multi-age classroom setting. For those unfamiliar with the Montessori environment, it can be a bit perplexing to envision your child in a classroom with younger and older students.

One of the core beliefs behind the Montessori philosophy is that learning isn’t restricted by age but rather your child’s learning pace, interests, and personal development. This means that not only will your child learn social skills and unique perspectives they wouldn’t normally be exposed to in a traditional classroom, they will benefit from the following advantages of a multi-age classroom.

Leadership skills. If your child is older, you may worry that younger children in the classroom will distract your child or that the younger children will receive more attention and assistance. If your child is younger, you may

How a Montessori education helps your child learn to concentrate

July 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|

By Vivian Cain

You may have noticed that both children and adults tend to move from one activity to another quickly. In the digital age, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to focus.

A study by Microsoft Corporation recently revealed that many of us struggle to concentrate on any given activity for more than 8 seconds. Just 10 years ago, our ability to focus was rated at an average of about 12 seconds. Obviously, the situation is getting a bit worse.

However, studies also show that focus and concentration are essential to succeeding in life, whether you’re engaging in conversation, performing well in school and work, or excelling in sports.

Jumping from one thing to the next can hinder your child’s ability to retain what she’s learned.

Concentration can be a difficult concept for a child to grasp at any age. At