For one reason or another, you may find yourself looking at preschools in Carmel whether you are a stay at home parent or a career oriented one. However, you may discover that it is not easy to find openings after the start of the school year. It is especially hard to find preschools in Carmel which are not only affordable but also provide high quality child care and early childhood education.

Preschools in Carmel Are Enrolling Now

Recognizing this need in our community encouraged us to expand and open a new classroom. Currently, we have guaranteed enrollment for children ages 3 months and up. Let me introduce you to our early education Montessori preschool – Maria Montessori International Academy. MMIA has locations conveniently located to Carmel. Parents around the area enjoy the convenience of easy accessibility and the assurance that their child is well stimulated and cared for during their time away from home.

To help you decide if our school may be a good fit for your family, contact us online here, or call us at 317-291-5555. You can also sign up for a free trial right away!

Get Your Free Trial Here!

Montessori Preschools in Carmel

If you are unfamiliar with Montessori schooling, let us provide you with some background that you will find useful. Traditional educational environments are incorporating aspects of the Montessori way of teaching because of its proven success and growing popularity. In many parts of the world, Montessori education has been practiced for over 100 years. This method of educating was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian educator. Dr. Montessori created a child-focused, self-paced approach. This allowed each child to progress at their own natural pace based on scientific observation of children from birth on up.

Providing a mixed age classroom encourages younger children to observe and learn from the older children in their environment. The older children benefit by practicing leadership skills while guiding the younger children. Montessori preschools design classrooms to allow children to move about freely. Materials and work provided are based on age appropriate interests. Often natural materials will be introduced and used. A hands-on experience stimulates the natural learning progress and creativity. This differs from the traditional style of seated instruction for a whole class. Montessori education not only fosters self-paced learning but build on a child’s natural preferences. This results in increased independence and curiosity. We find this to be especially true in Montessori preschools in Carmel.

What to Expect When You Visit our Carmel Preschool

While other preschools in Carmel may choose a different approach, a tour of MMIA will begin with staff leading you and your child into the classroom for a firsthand experience. This approach allows you to observe the classroom set-up while visualizing your child among their peers. As you look around, you will realize that everything, including furniture, is child sized and accessible to the children. This allows the students easier access for self-motivated learning opportunities, builds confidence, and encourages self-sufficiency as they manipulate their environment. Natural materials, neutral walls, lack of clutter, and organization all contribute to a favorable setting in which children can thrive. Watch the interactions of the teachers as they simultaneously guide multiple children while encouraging them individually.

Pay attention to how even the youngest children are engaged. Now, focus on your child and their behavior. Perhaps they prefer to first observe all that is happening around them or immediately interact with others? Do other children try to engage with yours?  Does your child take an interest in a particular work on a shelf and just go for it? Maybe they demonstrate curiosity while remaining slightly cautious. Our experienced and well-trained Montessori preschool teachers will work within your child’s personality after taking the time to understand it. This results in circumstances in which optimal learning occurs.

After the tour . . .

When your tour is over, contrast how your child responded in our classroom compared to other preschools in Carmel? We understand that tours provide only a limited snapshot of what your child’s day may be like or how they may react in this new environment. MMIA offers a free trial period to prospective new families which gives you and your little one premium opportunity for more exploration.

Prepare for your Carmel Montessori Preschool Trial

The first day at Carmel Maria Montessori International Academy may fill your child with excitement, anxiety and anticipation. Helping your child prepare in advance will help address any fears your child may have.  Encourage your child’s excitement about their new journey. This can be done by allowing them to pick out their first day outfit or pack their own lunch. Most importantly, talk about their previous visit and what they can expect going back. You can make their day more comfortable by remembering a few things also. Please be sure to bring your child’s lunchbox, indoor slippers, a change of clothing, and a crib size sheet if your child naps. A lovey can even be helpful in the transition at drop-off. Get your child excited about having their own special cubby to store all of their belongings.

When you arrive . . .

After greeting your child first with a warm heartfelt smile and hello, your little one will be shown their cubby.  Then they will learn where to place outdoor shoes, lunch boxes, and to find the restrooms. Their Montessori teacher will speak with you to address any items or concerns you may have while your child looks around the classroom and meets new friends.

Leaving Your Child

We find that it is often best for parents to give quick goodbyes and leave confidently. This shows your little one that you feel positively about leaving them and their first day at school. At the end of the day, you will have an opportunity to connect with the teachers to discuss your child’s day. If needed, parents are welcome to use our observation areas to view their child from outside the classroom as their child settles in.

The Montessori teacher will make it a point to connect with your child even if it means being attached to the teacher. Should your child cry, the teacher will quiet them by trying to engage them in different areas of interests in the classroom. Other times they will invite them to enjoy the playground outside. Frequently fresh air combined with new friends and outdoor playtime provide a sense of happiness and encourages natural endorphins to lift their spirits. Before long connections will have been made with new friends.

The older and more mature Montessori students will follow the lead of the teachers. Therefore, they too will shower your child with affection, kindness, and friendship to welcome them to their new class. Before you know it, your child will be blossoming within the classroom!

Benefits from Montessori Preschools in Carmel Vs. Traditional Childcare

Any childcare in Carmel can provide a caretaker for your child during the day.  They might boast child sized furniture, wood toys, and even free time for independent play. However, much more is required to successfully foster a child’s natural love for learning. Most importantly, ask yourself: “do these caretakers have the passion, personality, support, and experience (backed by education and training) needed to help appropriately shape your child’s learning footprint?”

About Our Teachers

All of our lead teachers at Maria Montessori International Academy have dual degrees along with specialized Montessori training (equivalent to that of a Master’s Degree). Additionally, continued training and education each year further cultivate their teaching skills. Many of our teachers personally understand the needs of a child away from their parents because they have their own children and first hand experience.

Strong foundations for educational and social development develop. Regardless of age, exposure to music, science, and other cultures and languages is critical. Knowledge is gained through self-guided exploration and practical life skills. These are learned through activities they see as play. Autonomy and self-confidence grow simultaneously. Compassion and empathy for others are role modeled and developed along with leadership skills. MMIA is not just another preschool in Carmel; we cultivate this learning atmosphere to allow you the satisfaction of knowing that more than just the basic needs of your child are being met. Book a tour now to see for yourself!

Join the Carmel Montessori Preschool Community of MMIA

We invite you to come join Maria Montessori International Academy and become part of our unique community. We offer families affordable preschool with quality childcare. Immediate openings resulting from our recent growth are available now. Quite a few of our students are referrals from past families. Consequently, parent feedback tells us that we are successfully preparing children for the next step in their learning journey. Many of our graduates now have siblings attending our program. Past students often visit with their past teachers to share their current successes.

We hope to see your child join those ranks and encourage you to book a tour today. MMIA is certain that being in the classroom will provide you with the answers needed to help you make an informed decision. Contact us online or give us a call at 317-291-5555!

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